The success of an organization is a two-way process. If you expect your employees to put the best of their efforts, it is equally important to provide them with some perks and benefits from time to time. Appraisal season is, of course, something that employees look forward to every year. However, appraisals are not enough to keep your employees motivated. Rewarding your employees with something useful for their dedicated work can do wonders for your organization. The hassle, however, is choosing the right corporate gifts. The market is full of mundane gifts that are of no use. Instead of gifting something that is of no use, why not give something that is healthy and useful? Considering this, Honeyworks, Bangalore has come up with some great corporate gifting ideas for employees. 1. Gift your Employees / Channel Partners - Bathroom in a Box Introducing Bathroom in-a-box. An assemblage of our signature bathroom accessories in a single package. The most essential Bathroo...
How to deep clean your bathroom Every room needs a deep clean sometimes—and that goes double for the bathroom. Everything from your shower curtain to your toothbrush handle (sorry) can be, and likely is, rife with bacteria. Things like toilets, bathtubs, showers, and faucets should be cleaned once a week, and you should deep clean a bathroom about once a month. Your weekly cleanings will help you keep things tidy and prevent bacteria from piling up, With all that in mind, here’s how to deep clean a bathroom so that you can relax in your space without wondering what else is in there with you. Follow the six steps Clear the clutter Bathroom counter covered in stuff? Your first step is going to remove the clutter , as well as anything else that’s standing in the way of a deep clean. Take your bath mat and follow the directions on the tag to clean it. Most bath mats can be run through the washer on the cold cycle and then hung to dry. Do a load of any used bath and hand...